Watch Base Camp’s own Steve Meng in his instructional video on fence installation, the first step to protecting a food plot.
Leasing Your Dream Hunting Spot: Year 1
You finally did it. You took the plunge. You anted up with your hunting partners and you leased a piece of hunting ground. You looked at aerials and topo maps, you inspected several properties and you even convinced your wife that it was a worthwhile spend of family money.
And now it’s all yours… at least the hunting rights are all yours.
The hunting lease industry is growing rapidly as hunters like you are discovering the ease and affordability of leasing hunting rights. But, what should you expect in the first year? How should you approach this new puzzle and all of the questions that a new area brings? Read Article.
Illinois Leasing Agent Rod Shepard
Rod Shepard was raised in Pennsylvania, where he became an avid whitetail hunter. At the early age of eight, he started hunting, fishing and trapping with his father. Like many hunters, he credits his father for introducing him to the outdoors and passing down the passion to pursue the whitetail deer. It’s something he has loved and appreciated for the past 37 years.
Upon graduation from high school, Rod joined the United States Army and continues to serve today as a Command Sergeant Major with 27 years of active duty service. Being a Soldier for this many years has allowed him to serve in numerous locations across the United States, which has afforded him many opportunities to hunt different areas of the country. He’s been very fortunate to be able to pursue the whitetail deer from the thick dense cover of Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama, the oak hardwoods of Illinois and Kentucky, and the open woods of Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania.
Rod measures his success as a hunter in stewardship and the memories he creates with family and friends. Rod has his own lease in Illinois, so he’s fully aware and understands the needs of hunters when it comes to leasing hunting property. Rod resides in central Illinois with his wife and their two daughters.
Rod can be reached at 217-801-5730 or
Showcase Your Trophy with Camo
Looking for a new way to showcase your trophy?
A number of YouTube videos exist demonstrating how to
create the camo skull shown above. View technique videos here. Purchase your own dip kits with a variety of camos. View dip kits & camo patterns.
View Hunting Related Articles & Videos
on our new Blog site!
Jason Whitfield, Base Camp Leasing Director of Marketing, writes about “Addicted to Deer Hunting? Us Too. 6 Reasons We Can’t Stop.”
The reasons we deer hunt are as varied as the people who participate in the sport. Most people can probably name two, three or more reasons they relish the sport. Take a minute to think about the reasons you hunt, and see if they align with any of ours. Read article here.
Daryl Houston,
Tennessee Leasing Agent, writes about “Mid-Day Magic”.
“It was a familiar rock sat on, I had been here before. I know the farm like the back of my hand. The spot is near a travel corridor through one corner of the property and several deer have fallen to both bow and gun through the years. So, what’s so special about this hunt you ask? On this day, my 2013 mature Tennessee 9 point fell on November 30th at 1:30 pm.” Read article here.
Adam Flowers, North and South Carolina Leasing Agent, writes about “Great Ways to Spend Leftover Hunting Lease Budgets”.
“You’ve finally found the lease that suits what you were looking for and closed the deal for less than you expected to spend. Now you are left with money you had planned to drop into locking down a property. So now what do you do with this extra money you have set aside for hunting? Let’s take a couple minutes to look at some great ways to spend that leftover money.” Read article here.
Featured BCL Lease: Missouri’s Maries County
Property #: 6041 Acres: 400
Max Hunters: 6
Certified Check Price: $8000/ Credit Card Price: $8400 This is a great farm that sits on the bluffs above the Gasconade River in a really strong county for those big whitetails. The landowner’s family has had really great success in the past in the whitetail category. This farm has been in the 4pt restriction zone for years, but the landowner has always had a higher goal of only shooting mature deer. Knowing Maries County like I do, if I were looking for a farm I would make sure it was in the vicinity of the Gasconade River like this one. Deer hunting lease only. More info.