So, you’re looking for a place to hunt in the crossroads of America. The vast acres of cornfields and flat ground lets you know that this is a prime place for whitetails. So, where do you start to find a hunting lease in Indiana?
Why a Hunting Lease In Indiana
Out of all the states to go hunting in, why would you get a hunting lease in Indiana? Of course, you already know how great hunting in Indiana can be if you are a resident. There would also be no reason for you to leave the state for bucks or birds.
What about if you don’t call the Hoosier state home? Is it still worth your time and money to travel too? The short answer is, OF COURSE. We will dive deeper into the reasons why getting yourself a quality lease in Indiana makes all the sense in the world.
Deer hunting in Indiana
If there is one thing Indiana is known for above, all else is its whitetail. Truly the gem of the state, the whitetail hunting in Indiana rivals any other state
A few factors include
- Big deer
- One Buck Status
- Affordable tags
- Certified CWD- free ( something many of its neighbors can not claim.”)
- Sportsmen’s Benevolence Fund. An amazing program centered around donating your deer to help feed the underprivileged families of Indiana.
Clearly, the state of Indiana is all about deer. From the hunters in its population up to a government level, this is a state that takes care of its wildlife. The Indiana DNR always publishes historical and real-time harvest data. One of the most important things when it comes to proper conservation. They also produce a map every year that shows the best areas for deer habitat.
With over 200,000 licenses sold annually, the community of Indiana deer hunters runs deep. Indiana counties also individually keep deer data. All together, Indiana is a true deer hunter’s paradise. Giving hunters great odds in taking down big bucks every season.
You can find extra information about Indiana deer hunting here.
Turkey Hunting in Indiana
While the state may be well known for its big deer and basketball, its wild turkey season isn’t half bad.
With a population of around 110,000, it is more than manageable to hunt. Indiana has limited public hunting opportunities for turkeys, so a hunting lease is your best shot at a big tom.
The “fair chase always in Indiana are currently: “
While hunting wild turkey, it is illegal to use or possess: a dog, another domesticated animal, a live decoy; a recorded call; an electronically powered or controlled decoy; or bait. An area is considered baited for 10 days after the removal of the bait and affected soil. Still, an area is not considered to be baited that is attractive to wild turkeys resulting from normal agricultural practices.
Duck Hunting in Indiana
Also playing second fiddle to whitetail hunting, but still no slouch itself. A hunting lease in Indiana can be used for duck and goose hunting.
The statewide harvest last season of ducks was 81,400, and goose statewide was 47,900. Which are not GREAT numbers, but still puts them above many states. Waterfowl hunting inIndaian might not be enough for someone to make a cross country trek, but if you are already in the state, the level of hunting should be more than enough!
Indiana is home to many agricultural areas, so goose hunting can is quite accessible. A number of farms love leasing their land to avid hunters, so get out there and bag some geese!
Indiana waterfowl areas are broken into three distinct parts in Indiana.
Season dates and bag limits can be found here.
Finding An Indiana Hunting Lease
When it comes to finding the physical lease, there a couple of options.
Option 1: You could attempt the old fashion method of knocking on doors. Simply going up to the landowner’s front door and asking them if you are allowed to hunt their land. While it might not be the best option, it is something you could try.
Option 2: Another method of finding a hunting lease would be putting an ad in your local paper. It is a time-consuming and sometimes costly project but can yield positive results if done correctly.
Option 3: Buy a hunting leaser. Multiple companies around the country now offer you the ability to lease a hunting property directly from the owner. You are charged a fee depending on the size, the number of hunters allowed on, and the quality of the land. It is the only GUARANTEED way to make sure you hunt a great spot next season. See what hunting leases Base Camp Leasing has available in Indiana right now! Keep in mind; leases go FAST, and the better the lease, the faster it is gone. If you do not see your dream lease, don’t worry, we are constantly adding new leases to fit our customer’s needs.
If you are an avid whitetail hunter, look no further than an Indiana hunting lease. Deer hunting runs deep in Indiana, and that is apparently the first time you hunt there. Disease-free and full of big bucks, Indiana should top your list of next states to go hunting in!