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How is trespassing handled on a property?
The hunters are responsible for protecting the property from trespassers. They are responsible for posting the property and monitoring it. On the majority of our leases through Base Camp Leasing hunters have the authority to press charges against anyone who is caught trespassing on the property. The provides a hands-off approach for the landowner. They are not bothered with handling any trespassing issues.
Can the hunters bring guests on my property?
No, all hunters who will have access to a property must be listed on the lease. Anyone who access the property and is not listed on the lease will be consider as trespassing.
Can I still access my property after it is leased?
The property still belongs to you. You are allowed full access to the property even during a lease. We just ask landowners to be mindful of when hunters are on the property. They are paying a premium price to hunt your property and deserve to have as few interruptions as possible.
Who is responsible for posting the property?
The hunters who lease the property are responsible for making sure the property is posted properly to prevent unwanted trespassing on the property.
Is there any out-of-pocket cost to the landowner?
Leasing a property through Base Camp leasing doesn’t cost a landowner anything. Base Camp Leasing gets paid for our services in the form of commission once a property is leased.
Do I get to meet the hunters on my property?
Once the property is leased you will receive the hunter’s contact information. You will be able to reach out to them at any time during the lease.
Who sets the number of hunters for a property?
The leasing agent will suggest the number of hunters that could comfortably hunt a given property. The idea with limiting the number of hunters is to provide a better experience for the hunters. Also, to ensure the property isn’t being over hunted with too many people having access.
How is the price determined on a property?
Pricing for a lease is determined by the leasing agent for the territory. Their experience and knowledge of the going price is how they determine a quote for a property. Many factors will be taken into consideration when an agent is determining the price. Some of those include, the amount of timber, age of the timber, food sources, water, terrain, and population of game in the area.